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More than 300 Egyptians Die from Heat During Hajj Pilgrimage in Saudi Arabia

The annual Hajj pilgrimage to Mecca, a sacred duty for Muslims worldwide, has tragically claimed the lives of at least 323 Egyptian pilgrims due to heat-related illnesses, according to diplomats coordinating responses from Arab countries.  This devastating toll underscores the challenges faced by millions of pilgrims who converge on Saudi Arabia each year to fulfill this fundamental pillar of Islam. The fatalities, predominantly attributed to extreme heat, occurred despite efforts by Saudi authorities to provide necessary facilities and accommodations for pilgrims, including air-conditioned spaces along the Hajj route.  However, it is reported that a significant number of the deceased were unregistered pilgrims, highlighting the risks associated with attempting the Hajj without proper documentation and access to official facilities. The Hajj, which draws around 1.8 million pilgrims annually, is increasingly affected by climate change, with rising temperatures in the region pos...