Jailed Critic of President Putin Shifted to Prison Hospital
In a development that has drawn international attention and concern, Vladimir Kara-Murza, a prominent critic of Russian President Vladimir Putin, has been moved to a prison hospital. This move comes amidst escalating fears for his health and safety, following a series of alarming incidents involving Russian opposition figures. This incident is reminiscent of the plight of Alexei Navalny, another vocal critic of President Putin. Navalny, currently serving a prison sentence, has been on a hunger strike for 20 days, demanding adequate medical attention. His condition deteriorated to the point where he was transferred to a hospital within the penal colony in Vladimir, a city 180km east of Moscow. The FSIN prison service reports that Navalny's condition is "satisfactory" and that he is being examined daily by a doctor. However, his supporters and personal physicians have raised serious concerns. Navalny's potassium levels, which reached a critical high of 7.1 mm...