Why is Ethiopia Still Living in 2016: 8 Years Behind the Earth Time
In a recent TikTok video, a content creator sparked widespread curiosity by informing her followers that Ethiopia is seven years behind the rest of the world. This discussion about the distinctive Ethiopian Calendar is a recurring trend on social media, drawing a flurry of questions and reactions each time it surfaces. The intrigue surrounding Ethiopia’s unique timekeeping style has prompted DUBAWA to delve deeper into the topic. Ethiopia, located in East Africa, is Africa’s second-largest country in terms of population. It uses a unique calendar system different from the widely used Gregorian calendar. The Ethiopian Calendar, also known as “Ge’ez,” is seven to eight years behind the Gregorian Calendar. The primary reason for this difference is that the Ethiopian Calendar places Jesus’ birth in 7 BC, starting its count from that point. In contrast, the Gregorian calendar marks Jesus’ birth as 1 AD and begins its date count from that time. In the era b...