North Korea Says They Will Stop Sending Trash-Filled Balloons to South Korea Only If...
In a surprising turn of events, North Korea has announced that it will halt the dispatch of trash-filled balloons to South Korea, albeit with certain conditions. This announcement follows a period of heightened tensions marked by provocative balloon campaigns from the North, which led to a stern warning from South Korea about impending retaliatory measures. North Korea's recent activities involved sending over 3,500 balloons carrying 15 tons of wastepaper, including manure, cigarette butts, scraps of cloth, and other debris, into South Korea. These actions were described by Kim Kang Il, a North Korean vice defense minister, as a countermeasure against previous South Korean leafleting campaigns. He stated that the North wanted to give South Koreans a taste of the "unpleasant" experience of cleaning up scattered wastepaper. South Korea's military reported discovering more than 700 of these balloons in various parts of the country, with about 260 found a few days earl...