Magic Sword Stuck in Stone for Over 1300 Years in France Mysteriously Disappeared
In a tale that echoes the legends of King Arthur's Excalibur, the legendary Durandal sword, believed to have been stuck in a rock in Rocamadour, southern France for over 1300 years, has mysteriously disappeared. This enigmatic disappearance has left locals and historians baffled, sparking intrigue reminiscent of medieval lore. Durandal, often associated with Roland, a revered paladin in French epic literature and a key figure in Charlemagne's court, was said to possess mystical properties. According to the 11th-century poem *The Song of Roland*, Durandal was forged with supernatural elements—it contained a tooth of St. Peter, the blood of St. Basil, and the hair of St. Denis. Legends surrounding the sword narrate that it was so strong and indestructible that it could cut through solid rock. The disappearance of Durandal has stirred deep sentiments in Rocamadour, a village deeply intertwined with its legendary relic. Mayor Dominique Lenfant expressed the community's sor...