Hair Grows in Man's Throat After Years of Heavy Smoking in Austria
In an astonishing and extremely rare medical case, a 52-year-old Austrian man who had smoked a pack of cigarettes daily for years developed hair growth inside his throat. This bizarre condition was reported in the American Journal of Case Reports, highlighting the unexpected and sometimes serious complications that can arise from long-term smoking. The unnamed man, a heavy smoker, initially sought medical help in 2007 after experiencing persistent symptoms such as a hoarse voice, difficulty breathing, and a chronic cough. When doctors examined his throat using a bronchoscope, they found inflammation and, to their surprise, several hairs growing inside his throat. This unusual discovery was made in an area that had undergone surgery following a near-drowning incident during his childhood. At the age of 10, the man had a tracheotomy, a surgical procedure to create an opening in his windpipe. To stabilize this opening, doctors used a skin and cartilage graft taken f...