
Showing posts with the label 77 Pilot Whales Found Dead in Scotland in Mass Stranding

77 Pilot Whales Found Dead in Scotland in Mass Stranding

In a tragic event that underscores the fragility of marine life, 77 long-finned pilot whales were discovered washed ashore on Sanday island, part of Scotland's Orkney archipelago, this past Thursday.  The British Divers Marine Life Rescue (BDMLR) organization reported that of the 77 whales, 65 were already dead when they were found. The remaining 12 whales, though initially surviving the mass stranding, had to be euthanized later due to the deterioration of their conditions.  The BDMLR stated, "Sadly, the remaining 12 pilot whales have been euthanized due to their condition deteriorating from the many hours they have spent stranded on the beach."  The whales, having been on the beach for an extended period, suffered from crush injuries due to their own weight and likely inhaled water as the tide came in. As the tide washed over them, the whales sank deeper into the sand, making it impossible for them to refloat.  The BDMLR noted the absence of obvious reasons for the...